Sunday, November 4, 2012


urgh, malas nk update blog2 nih. bukak2 penuh semak aq punyer blog ngan status reen... hm...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hey guys, haha, masa aku tengah update blog ni, gelap gelita... Guess what? Aku nak lebih privasi... Tak ada la orang asyik kacau aku masa menaip ni. Ok. firstly, aku ada kenal DUA orang perempuan ni. Nama secret. (of course). Yang pertama macam suka je kat aku, aku pun tak tahu nak buat macam mana. Gadis kedua pula, aku berkenan tapi dia ni... Macam mana ya? Susah nak dapat, erti kata lain aku kena usaha lebih sikit... Kalau macam ni, siapa yang harus aku ketuk and masuk ke pintu hatinya? Dua-dua baik, haish! susah betul... Kalau aku pilih salah satu pun, tak lama punya... Because kalau dah hati sangkut kat jala di pantai cinta orang lain, ikan yang paling cantik pun x pandang, kan? Oh, btw, raya korang tahun ni seronok? Seronok, seronok jugak. PMR jangan lupa... Trial sudah, tinggal PMR yang betul je. Duit raya aku? Huh! X payah tanya la... Mind set aku tahun ni, orang nak bagi, bagi. Kalau tak nak bagi aku kisah apa? Masa budak-budak je semangat kutip duit raya sana sini... Dah MATANG, kurang/tak ada semangat. Nak-nak PMR tak setel-setel lagi... Adoyai... Ok lah, itu je... Nak study pulak ni... Bye, have a nice day guys...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya :D

hey, guys! assalamualaikum. hmmm. pejam celik pejam celik sedar2 dah raya... ala, ramadan dah pergi tinggalkan kita. so aq harap korang bergembira di hari raya nih. raya raya jugak, PMR jgn lupa pulak... huh, @ rumah memang membosankan. aq lebih rela gi sekolah dari dok @ rumah je... dapat jumpa kawan, FFE aq and bdak kelas aq yg laen. ridu gila @ diorang! (terutama bozz aq, Khairul Nur Azhariah) and ramai lagi... harap dpat 'call' je, mne ckup... nak jumpa! boring la kalau x jumpa... ;'( hmm... biarlah, nak x nak kena tunggu seminggu lagi... hope can see u as soon as possible... OK! di kesempatan ini, aq nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA  kepada semua org yg mengenali diri ini DENGAN INGATAN TULUS IKHLAS MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. :D

btw, aq pelik la knapa org antar mcs @ aq punyer fon selamat hari raya tapi x tulis nme dia... aq dah confuse siapa yg antar mcs tuh @ aq.... camner la aq nak maafkan korang kalau korang sendiri pon x bagitahu nme korang? kan? adoyai~ laen kali kalau pkai fon org laen atau dah tukar number tulis la @ ayat last mcs korang tuh dari siapa... tu p0n nak kena ajar ke? hm... SO thats all for this time.. hope can write again 4 u bye!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

i'm free!!

Yeay! at last. It over! its about me n her. Aq bebas dari perempuan yg ermmm biarlah dia... so GOODbye awk, sye lebih ske camni dari sebelum ni. Skrang ikut ske aty aq nak ske or couple ngan sesaper sekalip0n, jgn nak kesah! skrang time to me focus to PMR and my girl that i interested... x perlu clash smpai gaduh2 x perlu. x perlu berjiwang and so on... bye, hope doesnt see you again >_< yeay!!!! seriously x sedih langsung.... HAPPY NYER!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Somebody I Used To Know Lyrics

Gotye Ft Kimbra – Somebody I Used To Know

now and then I think of when we were together
like when you said you felt so happy you could die
told myself that you were right for me
but felt so lonely in your company
but that was love and it’s an ache I still remember

you can addicted to a certain kind of sadness
like resignation to the end
always the end
so we found that we could not make sense
well you said we would still be friends
but I’ll admit that I was glad that it was over

but you didn’t have to cut me off
make out like it never happened
and that we were nothing
and don’t even need you love
but you treat me like a stranger
and that feels so rough

you didn’t have to stoop so low
have your friends collect your record
and then change your number
I guess I don’t need that tough
now you’re just somebody I used to know

now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
but had me believing it had always
something I’d done
and I don’t wanna live that way
reading into every word you say
you said you could let it go
and I wouldn’t catch you hung up on
somebody that you used to know

but you didn’t have to cut me off
make out like it never happened
and that we were nothing
and don’t even need you love
but you treat me like a stranger
and that feels so rough

you didn’t have to stoop so low
have your friends collect your record
and then change your number
I guess I don’t need that tough
now you’re just somebody I used to know

somebody I used to know…

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


hye and assalamualaikum!... smalam dapat kertas untuk masuk ke kelas apa tahun depan... so... lepas dah tanya mak aq and dah pkir masak2 so aq decide nak pilih pakej a. matbe banyak persaingan tapi nak wat camne? aq yang terbaek. semua orang nak terbaik kan? now life was changing slowly... mula nak fokus pmr! even skrang tengah typing nih pon aq study.. sekarang aq dah ada ramai kawan samada kat kelas or facebook... sume baek2! (walaupun ada yg kejam =<) thats all.. nak siapkan keje skola plak! kbye and assalamualaikum...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

mcm first time typing (typo)

hye and assalamualaikum... wah lama x update blog. fuh! ok! selalu bila time nak bukak x de idea. hurmm.... ok first nak cakap psal PERGADUHAN antara bff/ffe... gaduh macam tuuut je... gaduh ngan dia psal mende remeh temeh je... urgh! oh! smlam baru mcs ngan kawan @ fb... teruja dia bila dapat tahu aq still ingat dia walaupun lama x contact... hope can chat with jer next time... btw, smalam bukak 'HABBO' tapi macam tuuut la pulak sbb x bole pakai b melayu pergh! nak speaking bkan maen susah agy hurm... tu je la nanaty dapat bukak aq tulis lagy
bye and assalamualaikum
~mierul miezan peace!~

Monday, May 28, 2012

hye, assalamualaikum... ok firstly, cuti dah start so aq tngah boring sgt. rindu kat kawan2 (specilly kat kawan baek aq). btw happy birthday 2 u aza! (even dah lambat tpi x pe) hurmmm k la... nak study. pmr la katakan.. bye assalamualaikum luv u! =P

Thursday, May 3, 2012


ok, first things! aq ske sgt tulis surat kat kau. aq pon x taw knape. maybe best sgt kot! btw thanks 4 the gift! all ur gift. nanty aq kasi kau, eh? aq harap kau bace yer.. oh! one more things. u are my immortal friendz too! =>

Saturday, April 21, 2012


aduh... rindunya i kat u.... dah lama i x jumpa u, rase ridu plak... skrang je la kita bole dating. plas ni dah x boleh date da >ala....< hmmm by the way nak cakap. sori la weyh sebab dah lama x on blog! hehe actually, aq ckap pasal rindu ni, bkan pasal rindu orang. aq rindu fb and blog aq. haha bye

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


sori sebab lama x update... x demasa... malas pown satu hal... k... this is the story

aq syg kat kat dye tpi aq ske kat org laen  camne tuh? love is complicated... damn...haha. aq da x taw nak wat camne lagy da. yg sorang nih dok asyik ushaaaa je aq x kira la dalam klas or lwar klas...(bangga) =D

da la kot.. bye... love her......
and her.....
??? damn!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

kay3.... sori la sebab buat blog ni berkarat...... lame x on.... sori again... so... cam biaser kat skul aq da mula da syok @ sorang budak nieyh... name dye teeet.... :) tahun ni aq nekad aq x kan kaci taw sesape p0n aq ske sape... biarlah rahsia... cewah!(menyampah).... aritu aq ade la nmpak bdak yg aq ske dulu.... sorang2 je.. nak  je teman tpi biarlah dye.... kali ni aq nak sorang je... no one else in my heart  keculi dye. dulu is dulu
now her only :))))))))
bye3...... :PPPPPP

Thursday, January 12, 2012


sori, lame x on... biar je blog nieyh berkarat... bnyak nyer keje skola.... nak rehat p0wn x bley..... keje study3! ye la... ta0n nieyh kan pmr.... tadi kan aq dapat tengok muke dye... makin cute kowt... comel2 je... dapat la lpas rindu lpas usha dye... ye la... dye klas ape.... aq klas ape.... so, susah la nak tngok mke dye... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok la... tu je la yang aq nak cakap... bye2 asssalamualaikum

Friday, January 6, 2012

my cute sister!

<-------nie lah adik angkat aq!. comel kan? dye da 13 taon da....
nme dye nuraini. cian dye x dapat beli fon. klau ade fon best ckit. leyh mcs2 kan?
thats all 4 today! bye!
luv her so much! ~_~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

miss her!

hello again! hru? great? how about skul? borink kan? mmmm..... 3 karisma... bole ke? boring siot!!! ntah pape... bole la... ramai gak r kengkawan baru... <ok la 2 dri x der lansong!> mmm walaupun duk klas laen2... im still thinking about her... miss her so much! masa rehat pown still cari dye kat aner... >0<'
if you were reading this, just telling u that i love u so much, n****h!